Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Packing and Delivering our Christmas Boxes

As a result of our fantastic fair fundraiser we were able to purchase enough things to fill 27 Christmas boxes for Operation Christmas Child. These photos show us packing our box. Each box had a soft toy to love, a tennis ball and a small toy to play with. They also three books for the children to write in, a pencil case with pens, pencils, a rubber, pencil sharpener and coloured pencils. We also included a face cloth, toothbrush and soap. Each child also included a photo of themselves and wrote a letter. We paid for the postage on line and pasted our barcode on so they could be tracked. We think they are going to Papua new Guinea. Four children were chosen to take the boxes into town ready for delivery. We found out that this will be the only time in their lives the children will get these boxes.We felt very proud with our efforts. By Ben

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