Wednesday, October 17, 2012

What a wonderful time we had in our school garden today. We had lots of energy because our sports day was postponed. We decided to weed our garden. We pulled out the old plants and weeds, chopped them up, and put them in the compost bin. We turned the compost bin , putting the fresh weeds on the bottom and forked the rotting compost on top. At the bottom of the compost heap was lovely, nutritious soil. We spread this compost around the plants in the garden to feed them. We also watered them with our famous worm juice! Our garden looks lovely and we are now ready to plant more spring vegetables.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Room 1 and 7 went to Pilots Beach to weed and plant for the Little Blue Penguins as part of the Kid's restore New Zealand programme. There were aroubd 150 plants and we planted the majority of them. We also planted and camouflaged some special penguin boxes that the penguins could live in. They looked for comfy, for a penguin of course! Sally Carson , who was in charge of the programme, said that we were the most efficient school that had planted at Pilots Beach so far. That night Sally and Olivier went back and saw a few penguins living in the new boxes, this was very cool. We look forward to returning over the years and watching the trees grow and knowing that we have played a part in restoring the penguin habitat.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Packing and Delivering our Christmas Boxes

As a result of our fantastic fair fundraiser we were able to purchase enough things to fill 27 Christmas boxes for Operation Christmas Child. These photos show us packing our box. Each box had a soft toy to love, a tennis ball and a small toy to play with. They also three books for the children to write in, a pencil case with pens, pencils, a rubber, pencil sharpener and coloured pencils. We also included a face cloth, toothbrush and soap. Each child also included a photo of themselves and wrote a letter. We paid for the postage on line and pasted our barcode on so they could be tracked. We think they are going to Papua new Guinea. Four children were chosen to take the boxes into town ready for delivery. We found out that this will be the only time in their lives the children will get these boxes.We felt very proud with our efforts. By Ben

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Room 1 Class Fair

Room 1 children ran a class fair to raise money to buy items to fill boxes for Operation Christmas Child. The fair had a toy stall, cake stall and book stall as well as some games such as Guess the Lollies in the Jar, Throw the Sponge. All of the Year 6 children worked on a stall and they also helped the younger with their shopping. The fair raised $550 which was an amazing amount for a fair run by children, for children.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

New Zealand's First Medal

New Zealand equestrian team won a bronze medal, our first medal for the 2012 Olympics. They won in the showjumping event at Grenwich Park in London. Germany won the gold medal and Britian won the silver medal.

Rowers Take Away Our Second Medal

Women's double skull pair Juliette Haigh and Rebecca Scown paddled their way to New Zealand bronze medal of the 2012 Olympics. The pair were second until the last 500m when Australia broke away and beat them by a narrow margin. Great Britian won the race, their first gold medal of the Olympics.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sound - Get Your Message Across

As part of Term 2's topic " Get your message across" we learnt about sound and how sound travels. The photos are of us doing experiments and finding how sound works. We made tin can telephones and found that when the string was tight the vibrations traveled along the string and vibrated on the tin can and then the sound went into your ear. Another experiment was making rice bubbles jump by shouting through a paper megaphone. The vibrations from our voices made the vibrations go through the gladwrap and the ricebubbles dance. We had lots of fun finding out about vibrations and sound.