Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sound - Get Your Message Across

As part of Term 2's topic " Get your message across" we learnt about sound and how sound travels. The photos are of us doing experiments and finding how sound works. We made tin can telephones and found that when the string was tight the vibrations traveled along the string and vibrated on the tin can and then the sound went into your ear. Another experiment was making rice bubbles jump by shouting through a paper megaphone. The vibrations from our voices made the vibrations go through the gladwrap and the ricebubbles dance. We had lots of fun finding out about vibrations and sound.

Making Soup and Bread for the Shortest Day

On the 23rd June Room 1 children celebrated the shortest day (or the longest night) by making vegetable soup. Everyone brought along one vegetable and we cut/ grated them and put them in a pot. Max brought along some lamb shanks so we had one pot with meat and another without. We also used our measurement skills to make bread rolls. The soup was very tasty and the bread rolls delicious. It was also a beautiful day and we ate it outside, even the seagulls enjoyed some soup!