Tuesday, February 21, 2012

School Mural Project

 On Friday 17th February our school joined together to  Thank the artists, Simon Kaan and Martin Poppelwell who have worked all week to create our lovely new mural. We enjoyed going out to watch the progress. Simon and Martin were presented with a Rata tree each.

Kelly Sports

 We really enjoyed the Kelly Sports people coming to show us some of the skills and games they teach in their after school programme.
We had lots of fun!!

Signing Our Class Treaty

On the 10th February 2012 Room 1 children and teachers signed the class treaty. By signing we agreed to obey our class rules. We signed it on our school flag.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Treaty of Waitangi

Monday 6th February is a holiday to celebrate the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi.  We had a scavenger hunt to find out information about this historic event. The Treaty of Waitangi is a document for the agreement of partnership between the Maori and Pakeha people. James Busby and William Hobson, wrote the treaty. It was translated into Maori by Henry Williams, a missionary. A lot of debate went on about what was in the treaty. The treaty was signed initially at Waitangi in the Bay of Islands on the 6th February 1840. Hone Heke was the first to sign. It was also signed at Otakou on June 13th and many other places around New Zealand. After the treaty was signed their was a lot of conflict around the translation of the treaty from English to Maori.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Year 6 Class Photo

Hi we are the Year 6 class for 2012. We have 22 children and two teachers. Mrs Hawker teaches on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Mrs Ward teaches on Wednesday. We also have a 3rd year teacher trainee, Ms Crompton.
We are excited about the year ahead and looking forward to being the role models of our school.
Keep reading our blog and find out more about what we are doing in Room 1.